Picking the cards to present for the photo of this lot is going to be a very difficult task. These 23 cards from the 1915 Cracker Jack set are the cleanest, freshest, sharpest examples that one can imagine. Just sitting here flipping through card after card is nearly a religious experience, as each one strikes a new chord deep within the viewer with the originality of design, the player poses, the absolute virtual Mintness of the cards themselves, and the overall sense of rarity and specialness of the occasion. These are the best of the best, hand picked from the collection of a prominent East Coast collector for their brightness, their color, their borders, their centering and their corners. The lot includes these numbers: 8 Oldring, 13 Wilson, 51 Rucker, 58 Schang, 85 Herzog, 90 Smith, 97 Benton, 112 Sweeney, 114 Moriarty, 116 Zeider, 117 Easterly, 119 Perring, 120 Doolan, 138 Gowdy, 140 Murphy, 143 Daubert, 146 Tyler, 150 Johnston, 151 Whitted, 154 Rudolph, 156 Dubuc, 160 Kauff and 166 Bush. While this is only 13% of a complete set of '15 CJ's, I can think of no better way to start an all-out assault on the collection of this beatiful, critically important piece of our great hobby!