Displayed is a wonderful, original Bobby Orr newspaper cartoon created by Bob Coyne, a legend who drew over 1,500 cartoons in a 47-year career for three Boston newspapers. He is most famous for his work with the Boston Post. The offered cartoon appeared in 1969-70, and it celebrates the emergence of Bobby Orr as a superstar. The Hall of Fame defenseman was only 22 years old in the '69-70 season, and he achieved a season for the ages. The 17.4x22.75" cartoon, is framed to 19.1x25.2". About half of the space in the cartoon is a Coyne-drawn action image of Orr as he's skating. The is also a smaller portrait image of a smiling Orr. The cartoon aptly describes the absolutely amazing, record-setting season that Orr had recently completed. The verbiage on the cartoon explains: "BOBBY ORR is only 22, but already he's rated as the world's top professional hockey player and the biggest star in N.H.L. history. Bobby won the Art Ross Trophy as the scoring leader, the Hart Trophy as the MVP, and the Norris Trophy as the leading defenseman. He then won the Smythe Trophy as the MVP of the playoffs. No player in history has ever taken down four awards like that...." Additional writing on the cartoon predicts that no defenseman will probably ever equal Orr's feat of scoring 33 goals and adding 87 assists for 120 regular season points. (And no defenseman has). The cartoon presents a perfect bouquet to Orr's brilliance, drawn and written by a preeminent cartoonist. Bob Coyne has signed the offering. The cartoon is in excellent condition, and it will be a prize addition, and an eye-catcher, in any collection.