Ted Williams once said that his ambition in life was "to one day walk down the street and have an onlooker say, 'There's goes the greatest hitter who ever lived.'" There are many baseball aficionados who say that Williams achieved his ambition, and that the comment was justified. Offered is a single-signed Ted Williams autographed Rawlings Official American League Ball (Bobby Brown). "The Splendid Splinter" played from 1939 through '60, all with the Boston Red Sox. He was a pilot in the U.S. Marines in both World War II and the Korean Conflict, and between these two military stints, in his peak baseball years, he missed nearly five full seasons of baseball. He was a 2-time American League MVP and a 2-time AL Triple Crown winner. He won six AL batting titles and is the last man in the Major Leagues to have hit .400, as "Teddy Ballgame" hit .406 in 1941. Williams signed the baseball on the sweet spot in blue ink. The Williams signature is a about an 8.5/10. The ball has an Upper Deck sticker, official UDA number "AAK21237."