Cornell courtesy basketball schedule for 1967-68. Provided by Piels Beer, the schedule is framed at 22x15.5". It includes all their Ivy League opponents and other teams, mostly relatively close to Cornell's location in Ithaca, New York, such as Colgate, Syracuse, Rochester, and Niagra, etc. Not too much travel for Ivy Leaguers in those days. There also wasn't too much height. For example, Cornell's tallest player is 6'5" center Walt Esdaile. Drawing of player on the schedule shows him in the typical basketball garb of the era, including what for 2018 standards are very short pants. The bottom of the schedule invites one to "Pick The Winner". If a fan picked Cornell in every game, the fans results would have been 14-11. Not too shabby with a 6'5" center.