Impressive set of fine sports art ready to take you aback from its beauty. The abstract style of Stephen Holland melded with sports creates a stunning display for any area it covers. Stephen Holland says, "I like the drama of Sports the way you see it on a TV close-up, like a slow motion play. I like to freeze the action, frame the image, and display it in everyone's living room." Capturing the fury, emotion and drama of Sports is what Stephen Holland does best. Being trained in fine art, he brings classical form to these three famous New York Yankees icons. His paintings, lithographs, and serigraphs are in private and corporate collections around the world including the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles. Here is your opportunity to own the trilogy of Mantle, Ruth, and Gehrig ready to adorn your home, office, or man cave. Ruth 27x41". Gehrig (framed) 28.5x46.5". Mantle 28x41".