Nice collection of Bee Hive Hockey Photos from groups 1,2 and 3. A few are a bit rough but the collection is overall EX and includes an EX-MT "Bee Hive Scribbler."
1933-44 Group 1 includes: Lorne Carr, Gordy Goldsworthy, David A. Kirr and Bucko MacDonald.
1945-63 Group 2 includes: Fern Flaman, Vic Stasiuk, Roy Conacher, Sugar Jim Henry, Ralph Backstrom, Alan Stanley, Jerry Toppazzini, Andy Bathgate, John Peirson, Eric Nesterenko, Jerry Melnyk, Dollard St. Laurent, Ralph Backstrom, Norm Ullman, Bob Pulford, Bill Quackenbush, Bep Guiddin, Rudy Horvath, Jim Henry, Ed Sanford, Ted Lindsay, Woody Dumart and Zellio Toppazzini.
1964-67 Group 3 includes: Eddie Shack and Johnny Bower.