Have a ball with this lot. Or better yet, have 66! All were obtained by Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry, and the majority are on official American, National or Major League balls. The balls average EX but there are some that have toning, while signatures range from 5/10 to 10/10 but average 7/10. Highlights include; Mantle (w/HOF 1972), J. DiMaggio, Drysdale, Killebrew, M. Rivera, T. Williams, Stargell, Too Tall Jones, Billy Crystal, Banks, Griffey Sr. and Jr. (on same ball), Ford, Ryan, Carew (stat ball), Koufax, Mathews, Musial, Mays, Aaron, Gwynn, Joe Frazier, Rose, and many more. The majority are Hall of Famers and some have added notations. Note that Gaylord's spitball is not included.