The creator of the short-lived Major League, the Player's League, John Montgomery Ward was an important figure in baseball who helped shape the game into its modern form. This item is Ward's most precious baseball posession, and the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any player: his Hall of Fame plaque, awarded in his honor on July 27th, 1964. Included in this lot is a photo of the plaque being given to the Ward family, as Ward himself had passed on in 1925. From left to right in the image, accepting the award was William T. Watson, fourth cousin, Mrs. Winifred Fleming Watson, third cousin, Mrs. Ruth Roenig, grandniece, John Montgomery, cousin, and Maria Roenig, great-grandniece. The plaque depicts Ward's from the shoulders up in vintage baseball gear, and reads: "JOHN MONTGOMERY WARD 1878 - 1894 Pitching pioneer who won 158, lost 102 games in seven years. Pitched perfect game for Providence of N.L. in 1880. Turned to shortstop and made 2,151 hits. Managed New York and Brooklyn in N.L. President of Boston, N.L. 1911-1912. Played important part in establishing modern organized baseball."