Jack Johnson, the first African American to win the World Heavyweight Title, followed champion Tommy Burns around the world in order to procure a fight with him. The tour stopped in Sydney, Australia, where, under the promotion of Hugh McIntosh the fight was arranged. The date was set for December 26, 1908 and was held in the morning so as to not interfere with the afternoon racing crowd. Burns was small, but tough and had vast experience before and after winning the title. It added up to little against the bigger, stronger, quicker, Jack Johnson. Johnson played with Burns for 13 rounds before stopping him in the 14th. Jack Johnson had the coveted title and the world saw a new face on boxing. This is the official program to the Johnson-Burns bout in 1908.The program measures 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/8 inches. The program contains 83 pages! VG condition with some light restoration at the spine and corners of the front and back covers.