Full nelsons, half nelsons, atomic skullcrushers, figure fours and the claw are some of the more colorful tactics from wrestling history. Two albums chock full of wrestlers either posed or in action at the Winnipeg Arena. One album is all professional 8 x 10" glossies of AWA wrestlers from the 1970's, shot by Terrance Machalekof. There is the Fabulous Moola, Black Jack Mulligan, Rick Martel, Stan Hansen, The Road Warriors and Larry "The Ax" Henning et al. The other album also has shots by Machalek but they are all 3-1/2 x 5". Included here from the late 70's and early 80's are Hulk Hogan, Wahoo McDaniel, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "Superstar" Billy Graham, Bobby "The Weasel" Heenan and the Iron Sheik.