There is something for everyone in this wide assortment of vintage Mantle related ephemera: 1) Mickey Mantle endorsed "Fedtro" 13" megaphone with Mantle decal (VG). 2) Two Mantle pencil sets (sealed and unsealed). 3) Eight sealed "Photo Linen Emblem" patches with Mantle, Maris, Berra, and other Yanks (EX+). 4) "How I Hit" booklet by Mantle (EX+). 5) "Mantle-Maris At Spring Training" 8mm home movie (EX-MT) from Columbia Pictures in original box (VG). 6) Four 1.75" pins, three different styles (overall EX+). 7) Mantle-Natural Light bottle opener (EX). 8) Full book of Mantle-Yoo-Hoo matches (EX).