Pair of bats used, respectively, by Baltimore Orioles players Manny Alexander and Jeff Huson during Cal Ripken's historic record-breaking 2,131st consecutive game played on September 6, 1995, at Camden Yards in Baltimore. Both players have personally attested to their game use that night by signing their respective bat on the sweet spot of the barrel. Alexander has inscribed his bat in gold paint pen "Used in game 9/6/95 Manny Alexander," while Huson's inscription, in black Sharpie, reads "Used in 9-6-95 Game! Jeff Huson." Both inscriptions grade 8/10 overall.
Alexander's bat is a Rawlings block-letter model "490S," with the year code "95" on the knob. Huson's bat is a Louisville Slugger signature-model "P72" with "Huey" written on the knob in black marker. Neither bat is cracked and both display outstanding use, including numerous ball marks, with Alexander's bat having a two-inch wrap of white tape on the handle. Both players went hitless in four at bats in the Orioles 4-2 win that night, so each bat was obviously used in at least several games prior.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Huson bat is the Baltimore Police tag that is still attached with a metal wire to the handle. The game was so historic that the Orioles were worried about items being stolen from the locker rooms and stadium. In order to deter theft, the club required a police tag be attached to every item that left the stadium that evening. Any Cal Ripken Jr. piece of game-used equipment from that game is beyond the reach of nearly every collector, so bats such as these are the next best alternative to own a piece of history from that memorable night.