Original film negative, capturing Brooklyn Dodgers manager Casey Stengel, produced by renowned baseball photographer Charles Conlon. The photo pictures Stengel posing in front of the dugout as he gazes directly into the camera. Stengel’s name and team affiliation are written along the top border. Accompanied by its original “The Evening Telegram” paper sleeve that has “Casey Stengel/BrooklynNat/Head” written in blue fountain pen on the reverse. Although neither Conlon’s name nor stamp appear on the negative or sleeve, the handwriting on the sleeve is unmistakably that of Conlon. Also, Conlon worked for the “The Evening Telegram.” (Conlon reused the sleeve, which was from an earlier date, as Lou Gehrig's name is on the front.) The uniform style shown here was used by Brooklyn only in 1935 and 1936, which helps to narrowly date the image to that two-year span. The negative (4x5”) remains in Excellent condition. Culled from the legendary Brown Brothers Photo Archive. (Please note: the positive image seen on our website is for illustrative purposes only and does not accompany the negative; only the negative is offered in this lot.)