1909-1991 T206 collection of (200+) cards. The collection includes: Abbaticchio-Brown Sleeves-Caporal 150 GD; Abbott-Piedmont 350 VG-EX; Alperman-Piedmont 150 VG-EX; Alperman-Caporal 350 GD; Ames-Portrait-0Caporal 350 GD; Arellanes-Piedmont 350 VG; Arndt-Piedmont 350 G-VG; Atz-Piedmont 350 GD; Ball-Cleveland-Piedmont 350-460 GD; Ball-NY-Piedmont 150 G-VG; Barbeau-Piedmont 350 GD; Barger-Piedmont 350 GD; Barry-Philadelphia-Piedmont 350 G-VG; Barry-Milwaukee-Caporal 350 FR; Baatch-0Piedmont 350 VG; Beck-Piedmont 350 PR-Short; Bergen-Batting-Piedmont 150 GD; Berger-Caporal 350 G-VG; Birmingham-FR; Blackburne-Piedmont 350 VG; Bliss-Piedmont 350 VG; Bowerman-GD; Brain-Piedmont 350 GD; Brashear-Piedmont 350 GD; Bridwell-Portrait No Cap-Piedmont 150 G-VG; Burch-Batting-Caporal 150 VG; Burch-Fielding-Piedmont 350 FR; Burke-Piedmont 350 GD; Bush-Piedmont 350 GD; Byrne-Caporal 350 VG; Campbell-Piedmont 350 VG; Camnitz-Hands Above Head-Piedmont 350-460 GD; Carr-Piedmont 350 GD; Casey-Piedmont 350 GD; Chappelle-Piedmont 350 G-VG; Charles-Piedmont 350 GD; Chase-Throwing Dark Cap-Piedmont 350 GD; Clancy-Piedmont 350 GD; Clark-Piedmont 350 GD; JJ Clarke-Piedmont 150 G-VG; Clymer-Caporal 350 GD; Congalton-Piedmont 350 GD; Conroy-With Bat-Piedmont 350 GD; Crandall-Portrait No Cap-Piedmont 350 G-VG; Crandall-Portrait With Cap-Piedmont 350-460 GD; Cross-Piedmont 350 FR. A full list is available upon request.