Original film negative capturing Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig at the start of their famous “Bustin’ Babes and Larrupin’ Lou's” barnstorming tour in 1928. This is a famous image, which captures the pair in cowboy outfits as Ruth rides on the hood of car outfitted with a horse saddle. Gehrig is seen walking alongside the car as they tip their ten-gallon hats to the crowd. This event took place at Dexter Park in Brooklyn on October 12, 1928, prior to the start of the exhibition game that kicked off their cross-country tour. The reason they were decked out in cowboy outfits was to promote the upcoming World Series Rodeo, which was to be held at Madison Square Garden from October 23rd to November 1st. The Rodeo was a fundraiser that benefited the Broad Street hospital (known today as New York Presbyterian Hospital). Always happy to help raise money for a good cause, Ruth and Gehrig cheerfully agreed to the publicity stunt, leaving us with this classic image of the pair. The negative (7x5”) remains in Excellent condition. Culled from the legendary Brown Brothers Photo Archive.