Very diverse offering covering boxing and The Mick. Gorgeous 1889 ribbon pin for "NATB Bundes Turnfest Cinno" w/boxing image; 1954 Natl. Sports Council Self Improvement kit w/large images of Mickey Mantle, Joe Louis, Bob Cousy, Doak Walker etc.; 1930 Maxie Rosenbloom oversized hand colored photo (French); Coke bottle caps of Joe Walcott + Willie Pep; two 1920s folk art boxing toys in hand-painted wood; trainers mitt w/autographs of Garza, Lopez, Boyd, Gator, Mitchell, Bonecrusher Smith, Griffith, Chacon, Johnson + Ortiz w/added "Champs" and more; Ali etc. Kenner action figures (4); TOC Dixie Queen tobacco tin (rough); brass boxing glove ornament; 1920s giant foldout brochure mailing, "Jack Kearns answers (Jack) Dempsey!"; 1937 Illustrated current news poster w/Ali v. Shavers; 1920s Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack Pathe" movie promo brochure with beautiful foldout; Famous Ali v. Liston cardboard poster (public library); 1982 J. Morton boxing license; William Wood and Baldwin pugilist engravings (2); 1955 Harder they fall still with Joe Walcott in ring; pair of 1940s Golden Glove figural tickets; beautiful promoter Mike Jacobs vintage signed photo to boxer. Tom Sharkey; Benny Jacobs 1968 signed greeting card w/Moshe Dayan in ring; Boxing tickets w/1953 Turpin-Humez Careajal-Kim etc. (6); 1914 French boxing magazine w/Jackie Robinson lookalike; auto cut w/Boom Boom Mancini, Holmes, Muhammad, LaMotta, Yarosz, Gorgeous Tommy Steele, SP and more; Floyd Patterson + Ruby Goldstein private plates; Two boxing photo postcards; All kinds of ephemera including fight ad cards, photos, Tyson, Ali TV Guide; series of 1960s crude boxing mags w/Tunney, Carnera, Carpentier, and Jacobs (4); 1910-20s boxing supplements w/Al McCoy (3); boxing programs w/1959-60 Halimi (4); 1933 Tommy Burns sheet music; Sonny Liston facsimile signed ad poster; nice Floyd Patterson photo; and more, great variety.