Vintage 1942 Philadelphia Phillies 8.5x6" photos, ordered from the Sporting News Ready Reckoner publication. Of the 19 photos, 12 are signed. Set inlcludes: 1) Si Johnson (signed). 2) Mickey Livingston (signed). 3) Ben Warren (signed, inscribed, "Lots of Good Luck"). 4) Ike Pearson (signed). 5) Earl Naylor (signed). 6) Lloyd Waner (signed, inscribed "Best Wishes" and "Little Poison"). 7) Harry Marnie (signed, inscribed "Best Wishes" and "1940-42"). 8) Danny Lithwhiler (signed). 9) Tommy Hughes (signed, inscribed "Best of Luck Always"). 10) Frank Hoerst (signed). 11) Ernie Koy (signed). 12) Bobby Bragan (signed). 13) Frank "Rube" Melton. 14) Ron Northey. 15) Johnny Podgainy. 16) Danny Murtaugh. 17) Bill Killefer. 18) Chuck Klein. 19) John B. "Hans" Lobert. Comes with original mailing envelope with Charlie Spink & Son name and postage stamp.