Finally - color baseball cards, as they should be. Bowman downsized the 1950 set slightly from 1949, but the beautiful color renditions of the players more than made up for it. Complete at 252 cards, the set includes many of the stars of the day, most notably #6 Feller (EX), 11 Rizzuto (VG-EX, o/c), 19 Spahn (EX+), 21 Reese (EX-MT), 22 J. Robinson (VG-EX to EX, slight o/c), 39 Doby (NM, o/c), 46 Berra (EX-MT to NM), 75 Campanella (EX+, slight pl), 77 Snider (VG-EX) and 98 Williams (VG-EX, oc). The remaining cards grade 15% EX-MT or better, 26% EX, 48% VG to VG-EX, 5% GD to VG and 6% lesser. 16 cards have creases and approx. 15% are o/c.
Nice mid-grade set of 1950 Bowman baseball, seldom seen in completed form.