This instant collection of boxing issues has type cards, obscure issues, and even a few items our experts cannot identify: 1948- Kid Herman Jack Johnson salesman sample (from a later print run of the issue); uncatalogued John L. Sullivan quiz card with answer keys; 19th century boxers lot of 8 delicate die cuts; 1920s Tobacco Products Corporation of Canada Chas. Pook SGC 30; T218 Tolstoi Young Corbett; 1940 Kellogg’s All Wheat boxing positions 92); 1937 Ardath Max Schmeling and Joe Louis; 1920s Dominion Chocolate Don Rowand; 1959 Hokus Pokus Rocky Marciano; 1930s Players Cigarettes Dandies James J. Corbett; 1930s Gallaher Primo Carnera; 1950s Joe Palooka Transfer Pictures (3 packets); 1930s Goudey Boy Scouts A Scout is Clean boxing card; 1960 Buitoni Figurette wrestlers; 1947 Homogenized Bond Bread Louis (Square corners); 1964 Slania stamps Louis, Dempsey, Sullivan, Marciano; 1940s Coney Island Mitchell and Courtney, both SGC A; 1947 Leaf Lou Ambers PSA 7 gray back; 1942 Adam Hats Sam Taub matchcover set (30).