Beautiful specimen from fastidious collector who barely, if ever, read it. FIRST-EVER issue from a groundbreaking Marvel series of 167 issues that lasted from May 1963 - December 1981. GREAT ART by Jack Kirby. Graded with White Pages. Featured an elite World War II special unit whose "Howling Eagles" name was modeled, according to initial Sgt. Fury writer,, the iconic Stan Lee, after the army's "Screaming Eagles". This issue features the story "Seven Against the Nazis". In alluding to Kirby and Lee, the magazine touts, on the cover, "Another Big One from the talented team that brings you the 'Fantastic Four.' " The Howling Eagles were a racially and ethnically mixed unit, unusual for the time. The main character, Sergeant Nick Fury, later became the lead character for Marvel's super-spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D.
Size: E.S.