From an iconic character on an iconic show, these ear tips were worn by the late Leonard Nimoy on the set of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. In many ways, Nimoy is synonymous to Spock, who he played on Star Trek. His portrayal of the ultra-rational Vulcan did not only endear him to audiences of the time, it has also provided him a legacy that has endured to this day, especially given the successful installments of the recently rebooted franchise. These ear tips, along with a book of poetry, were donated by Nimoy to charity in the mid-1980s. The Search for Spock, which Nimoy also directed, was released in 1984. The tips are a defining feature of Spock, whose elongated ears make him easily identifiable. They come with an LOA signed by Nimoy stating, "I'm sorry I'll be unable to attend your Celebrity Fair, but hope you can make use of the autographed book of poetry and the Vulcan ears I've enclosed for the auction." Live long and prosper with these magnificent props.