This delightful pen and ink original artwork by Emmett Kelly was created for his 1959 Christmas card. It features his famed Weary Willie character with Santa Claus and a reindeer; Santa is dressed as Weary Willie with trademark clothespin tie clip, while Willie is dressed up as Santa and holding a bag of presents. Santa says "Looks like we are all mixed up Willie - Yes, No?" Willie responds, "Don't make much difference Santa - We are both in the business of catering to the kids." The reindeer adds, "Of all ages that is," referring to the familiar circus mantra. Comical piece measuring 11x14" was hand-drawn by Kelly himself, and has minor creasing with one pinhole at top left and minor paper loss to top right corner. Signed on the bottom "Emmett Kelly 1959," this comes from the family of the legendary performer.