An unbeatable team. A top quarterback's game worn NFL jersey, from a legendary team, WITH provenance. #14 burgundy home was worn by the "Little General" who commanded the Redskins through most of the 1950s. The jersey was given to the consignor's father by Washington equipment manager Kelly Miller (a co-worker and friend) in 1960. This jersey will come with a letter from the consignor stating this fact. [Look for the other jerseys obtained through this same relationship also in this collection.] It is very likely one of his last if not THE last jersey LeBaron ever wore for Washington based on the date of the handoff. Has extensive wear, including team repairs. The jersey was custom shortened and with it went the original manufacturer's tags. Emboldened #14 on front, back and on the sleeves. 100% all original and an extremely difficult shirt to come by.