Here's a true time capsule from nearly a century ago - a scrapbook with player cut-outs and supplements. There are loose pages with newspaper photos of some of the biggest names in baseball history like Horsby, Veeck, Wilson, Alexander, Mack, Cobb, Lajoie, Grove, Foxx, Cochrane, Dean, Frisch, Grimes, Johnson, Sisler, Maranville, Wagner, Gehrig, Traynor, Waner, Ruth, Dickey, Chesbro, McCarthy, Ruppert, MacPhail, Gehringer, Mathewson, Ott, Hubbell, McGraw, and many more. Some pages have handwritten annotations in Jack Cummings' hand. In the scrapbook, under Jack Cummings' photo, there's a notation: "Man who gave me book."