Original Type I photograph capturing notorious Chicago gangster Al "Scarface" Capone as he attends a game at Wrigley Field in 1931. Capone is joined by his son (seated to his right) and his personal bodyguard, "Machine Gun" Jack McGurn, who is seated directly behind him. A Chicago Tribune paper news caption is affixed to the reverse, which identifies both Capone and McGurn, and bears the handwritten caption "Gangster at Charity Base Ball Game." Two partial newspaper articles date-stamped, respectively, Feb 15 1936 and Jan 20 1947, are also affixed to the reverse. A later-day use of this photo identified McGurn with a hand-drawn black arrow to the left of his image. The photo (9.25x6.75") is trimmed along the top border and displays chips in three of the four corners. Several light creases are also evident. Encapsulated as Type I Authentic by PSA.