Leaded crystal horse head, produced by renowned French glassmaker Daum, given to Joe Montana and his wife Cass as a wedding gift by 49ers owner Ed DeBartolo and his wife Candy in 1981. Accompanied by a handwritten note card from the DeBartolos that reads "Much happiness to you both... We hope that this gift fits in with your new 'Ranch!' - Candy + Ed DeBartolo." The exquisitely crafted horse's head (11x3x9.5") is engraved "Daum France" along the side of the base. Originally purchased by the DeBartolos at Cowell & Hubbard, Cleveland's oldest jewelry store. Sourced from the Joe Montana Collection. The piece displays a tiny nick at the base and is otherwise in Mint condition.
The Joe Montana Former Wife Collection: Lots 1300-1311 in the current auction are pieces consigned by Joe Montana's former wife, Cass Ho. Each piece originates from Joe's collection and is being offered to the public for the first time. Items include signed checks from his rookie year, Notre Dame jersey presented to him by his coach and numerous personal items.