Whimsical original artwork focusing primarily on Boston Bruins hockey, penned in the 1960s-70s by noted New England Illustrator Eddie Germano. A total of 20 pieces in black ink on heavy card stock are included, with 18 measuring 15x11" and two with a vertical orientation, measuring 6.25x15.25" and 7.5x22". A purveyor of a now-dwindling art, Germano toiled for the Brockton Enterprise (with several noted as "Enterprise Sports") and the Boston Globe, with his detailed and humorous caricatures including the likes of Bobby Orr, Phil Esposito, Gerry Cheevers, and Gilles Gilbert. Editorial pencil notations are at the edges of each, and Germano has added his mark to each piece. Great items from a talented artist whose work has spanned several generations.