Collection of twenty-four D.C. Comics, spanning the years 1969-1974, consisting of both Superman and Action Comics titles. This high-grade collection is highlighted by the following four CGC-graded examples: 1) Action Comics #426 (CGC 9.4); 2) Action Comics #428 (CGC 9.0); 3) Superman #254 (CGC 9.2); and 4) Superman #266 (CGC 9.4). Unless otherwise noted, the remaining issues all grade Very Fine or better. Superman (8): #s 213, 236, 237, 245 (Fine), 250 (Fine), 260, 267, and 271. Action Comics (12): #s 385, 397, 400, 401, 405, 408, 409, 415, 418, 422, 427, and 430.