Full ticket from the game that concluded with one of the most memorable images in baseball history, Game 6 of the 1975 World Series, known as the "Carlton Fisk Home Run Game." Full ticket measures 2x7" and is for the Lower Bleacher section. Corners have the slightest touch of rounding and aging, the only noticeable flaw is age fading to the yellow fields with ticket info; they are still clearly yellow but not quite as sharp as others we have sold in the past. Fisk's 12th-inning walkoff homer - punctuated by him waving and trying to "will" the drive to stay fair - capped off a contest for the ages as the Sox topped the powerhouse Cincinnati Reds, 7-6. Encapsulated and graded PSA FULL VG 3; while just over 35,000 fans crammed into Fenway Park that fateful night, this is one of only 14 highly-prized entries in the PSA population report.