Collection of 120 assorted T206 White Border tobacco cards, with just one duplicate. Unless otherwise noted, all have Sweet Caporal 350 backs. The collection consists of the following: Abstein VG; Arellanes VG; Atz VG; Barry-Philadelphia GD; Beck G-VG; Becker FR; Bergen-catching (350-460) GD; Bridwell-portrait no cap VG; G. Brown (Browne)-Washington G-VG; Burch-fielding FR; Byrne VG; Camnitz-arm at side (350-460) GD; Camnitz-hands above head (350-460) GD; Campbell G-VG; Carrigan FR; Charles GD; Conroy-with bat G-VG; Cree G-VG; Criger VG; Criss GD; H. Davis-Davis on front G-VG; H. Davis-H. Davis on front (150) GD; Devlin VG; Donlin-seated (150) VG; Dooin GD; Doolan-fielding GD; Doolan-batting G-VG; Doolin (150) G-VG; Dougherty-portrait VG; Downey-fielding G-VG; Downey-batting G-VG; L. Doyle-portrait (350-460) G-VG; L. Doyle-with bat G-VG; Easterly GD (MC); Egan G-VG; Elberfeld-New York PR; Ferris GD; Fiene-portrait VG; Fletcher G-VG; Fromme G-VG (MC); Gasper VG; B. Graham G-VG (MC); Groom GD; Hartsel G-VG; Herzog-New York (150) FR; B. Hinchman (150) VG; Hoblitzell G-VG; D. Hoffman G-VG; D. Howard VG; Howell-portrait GD; Hulswitt VG; D. Jones VG; F. Jones-portrait G-VG; F. Jones-hands at hips VG; Killian-portrait G-VG; Kleinow-with bat (150) GD; Knight G-VG; Konetchy-glove near ground GD; Kroh G-VG; Lake-St. Louis no ball in hand G-VG; Latham (350-460) GD; Lavender GD; Leifield-batting GD; Leifeld-pitching (150) GD; Liebhardt (two examples - one has a 150 back) Both VG; Lindaman (150) GD; Livingstone G-VG; Marshall VG, McBride GD, McCormick G-VG, Merkle-portrait VG; Merkle-throwing (350-460) GD; Meyers (350-460) GD; Milan VG; D. Miller PR; Mowrey G-VG; G. Mullen G-VG; G. Mullin-with bat FR; Murphy-throwing G-VG; Murray-portrait (350-460) GD; Murray-batting GD; Myers-fielding G-VG; Needham (350-460) VG; Niles (150) FR; Oakes VG (MC); O'Hara-New York G-VG; Overall-hand face level VG; Parent G-VG; Pastorius (150) G-VG; Paskert VG; Pelty-horizontal photo (150) GD; Pfeister-throwing G-VG; Phelps G-VG; Phillippe G-VG; Rhoades-hands at chest GD; Rhodes VG; Schlei-batting (350-460) PR; Schmidt-portrait VG; Seymour-throwing G-VG; Seymour-batting VG; A. Shaw (150) GD; Shipke GD; F. Smith-Chicago white cap GD; Stanage G-VG; Stephens G-VG; Stovall-portrait PR; Street-portrait VG; Street-catching G-VG; Sullivan FR; J. Sweeney FR; J. Tannehill GD; Thomas G-VG; Unglaub VG; D. White-pitching GD; Wilhelm-hands at chest (150) G-VG; Willett G-VG; Willetts VG; Wilson G-VG; and Zimmerman G-VG.