Presented is an eclectic collection of pins (1880-1860s), nearly half political and the others covering myriad subjects: two of the pins feature John F. Kennedy. One is a pin with a photo of him and just the word "KENNEDY." The other J.F.K. pin is red, white and blue, with the 1960 Democratic ticket names of Kennedy and Johnson [Lyndon]. Three pins have the 1964 Democratic ticket of Johnson and Humphrey, one of them with a picture of the candidates. Three pins feature Thomas Dewey, who unsuccessfully ran in the 1948 Presidential election against Harry Truman. There are pins for Adlai Stevenson, Al Smith. There is a pin for the Republican ticket of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. The largest pin has a diameter of 2.5" and it has a photo of Pat Boone. There is a Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream" pin, two "Smokey the Bear" pins, a Red Cross pin, a gag pin showing a Nixon penny getting very small, a P.O.W. pin, and even a pin for Santa Claus, and more.